Game: Star Trek: The Next Generation Collector's Edition Monopoly
Distributor: USAopoly for Parker Brothers
Acquisition Details: Myself at The Star Trek Experience at The Hilton Hotel in Las Vegas, NV, USA, while on a birthday/buisness trip with Scott, Patrick, and Jaime, November, 2002
Tokens: Picard, Riker, Data, La Forge, Worf, Crusher, Troi, Wesley Crusher
Money: Gold Pressed-Latinum bars replace money
Houses/Hotels: Star Ships/Star Bases
Community Chest/Chance cards: Starfleet Orders/Captain' Log
Notes: Contains NCC1701-D Ship's Manifest and Alien Species Guide Booklet. This set is rare, out-of-print, and valued at ~$55.00.
Certificate of Authenticity #13720
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