communication design | workplace mindfulness | guest lecturer | radio host/producer | freelancer
I help my clients identify and implement professional, holistic, and strategic communication and design solutions to business problems in the scientific, higher education, small business, and nonprofit spaces.
While my communication and design strengths are anchored in desktop publishing and print production, they have expanded to include digital media such as websites, email marketing, social media, and video editing.
Most of my career has been in support of science in higher education. My niche is scientific figure design and data visualization . My degree is in journalism, so I’m not afraid to work with words as well as graphics
Currently, I manage the Texas A&M College of Veterinary Medicine & Biomedical Sciences portfolio of web properties and email marketing initiatives and supervise web student workers.
Work Experience
Texas A&M College
of Veterinary Medicine
& Biomedical Sciences
Creative Manager (Web & Digital Communications) | CVMBS Communications
- Title history: creative manager, 2019–present; graphic designer III, 2018–19; graphic designer II, 2015–18; and graphic designer I, 2007–15.
- Current Duties: Management, development & design of multiple CVMBS web properties; consulting for social media channels, email marketing, and digital signage administration; supervision of web undergrad & graduate student workers. Develop and provide strategic design, content advice, and project management for superiors, co-workers, and clients.
- Notable Projects: VetMed & BIMS web properties; advertisement in American Way & Continental magazines; college’s semi-annual magazine, CVM Today (2007-15, 2018) & CVM Impact (2016); CVM Development Initiatives One-Sheet series; the CVM Annual Report series (2012, 2014–19); Legends Premier Stallion Auction (2008–present); scientific figures for scholarly journal articles, teaching instruments, & research posters; reports prepared for the chancellor, board of regents, & legislature; voice-overs for videos; email marketing, invitations, & newsletter campaigns; CVM Centennial Book & social media campaign.
Just a Little Laugh
Principal | Independent Freelancer | Designer | Producer
Strategic design and communication freelance and pro bono consulting for a variety of higher education, scientific research, nonprofit, independent, & small business clients.
Projects include design & production coordination of marketing materials such as brochures; event collateral such as invitations, programs & trophies; annual reports; posters for faith-based organizations; postcards & flyers for political campaigns; infographics; & digital graphics for emails, presentations, social media, & websites.
Notable clients include Premier Plus Pediatrics, PLLC, Hospice Brazos Valley, The Lilith Fund for Reproductive Equity, IABC International, IABC Southern Region, India Natural Gas Hydrates Project, Brazos Heritage Society, & Penwell Publishing.
KAMU-FM 90.9
at Texas A&M University
Host/Producer/Creative | Brazos Valley Gold
Hosted (including on-air engineering when the show was broadcast live), as “Miss Jennie Lynne,” the weekly classic country radio show airing every Friday from 7–9 pm on KAMU-FM 90.9 and kamu.tamu.edu.
Producer and creative responsibilities included show planning, programming, and maintaining the show’s social media presence.
KAMU-FM is a public radio station (NPR & PBS) and this was a volunteer position.
Integrated Ocean Drilling
Program & Ocean
Drilling Program
at Texas A&M
College of Geosciences
Graphic Specialist II & I | Publications Services
Formatting of scientific figures and photos in a variety of software applications and production of scientific reports and volumes for both print and electronic publication.
Service as Lead Graphic Specialist responsible for maintaining consistency of art and scientific illustration across individual publications for several scientific volumes.
Coordination and design of several special art support projects.
Participation in electronic publication research and development.
Creation and implementation of custom AppleScripts for automation of Art Section workflow.
Maintenance of the ODP Science Operator website during absences of the Web Administrator.
Oversaw the Art Section during absences of supervisor. Duties included attendance at Publication Services Section Head meetings, as well as preparation of Art Section status reports and budgets.
West Austin News
Production Manager
Responsible for production of a weekly 16-page tabloid newspaper, covering news, education, social, and sporting events in West Austin, Texas, from layout and design of all editorial and advertising components to the coordination of prepress and printing.
Occasional editing and writing.
MacDonald Communications, Inc.
Assistant Production Manager
Member of the three-person production team responsible for seven internationally distributed magazines, covering the construction and environmental fields, in Russian, Spanish, and English languages.
Responsible for the production of whole issues from design and layout of both editorial and advertising components to coordinating prepress and printing production.
Occasional administrative duties.
Leadership Experience
International Association of Business Communicators (IABC)
member, ethics committee (2017–19); past chair, credentials committee (2018); chair, credentials committee (2017); graphic designer,
2016 annual report (2017); member, world conference program advisory committee (2016–17); member, credentials committee (2016)
IABC Southern Region
vp administration (2021–present); vp communications (2019–21); director, silver quill awards (2017–19, 2013);
member, communications committee (2016–17); graphic designer, branding & banners (2019, 2015, 2012)
Brazos Valley IABC
immediate past president & acting vp finance (2020–present); president (2015–2019); president-elect (2014–15); vp finance (2013–15);
chair, awards committee (2011–13)
- 2018 IABC International Chair’s Award
- 2016 IABC Southern Region Communicator of the Year Award
- 2016 AAVMC Excellence in Communications Award (team member)
- 2013 Brazos Valley IABC Volunteer of the Month (November)
- 2011 Texas A&M VetMed & BIMS Staff Award
- 8 IABC Southern Region Silver Quill Awards (2010–present)
- 17 Brazos Valley IABC Bronze Quill Awards (2008–2015)
The University of Texas at Austin | 1997
- Bachelor of Journalism in Media Studies